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Rabbi Akiva grave in Tiberias, Israel.

  emmanueldyan ID: 10361
Small800 x 600 pixels3 Credits
Medium1600 x 1200 pixels6 Credits
Large3488 x 2616 pixels15 Credits

File Details:

Published: 04/10/2011
Category: Cemeteries Viewed: 2706 Downloads: 0 Keywords Akiva Burial Burried Grave Israel Rabbi Rebbe Sage Tiberias Tomb Tombstone Description: Rebbe Akiva ben Yosef or simply Rabbi Akiva was a tanna of the latter part of the 1st century and the beginning of the 2nd century. He was a great authority in the matter of Jewish tradition, and one of the most central and essential contributors to the Mishnah and Midrash Halakha. He is considered by tradition to be one of the earliest founders of rabbinical Judaism.