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Choosing the exquisite etrog

  Meirjac ID: 8368
Image for Editorial use. Cannot be used for any commercial purposes
Small468 x 800 pixels3 Credits
Medium936 x 1600 pixels6 Credits
Large2265 x 3872 pixels15 Credits

File Details:

Published: 06/27/2010
Category: Sukkot Viewed: 1868 Downloads: 0 Keywords Sukot Sukkot Sukos Arbaat Haminim Four Species Myrtus Myrtle Hadass Lulav Etrog Holidays Jerusalem Israel Religion People Man Charedi Chassidic Religious Orthodox Pious Beard Market Description: Before the Holiday of Sukkot, Jewish men are coming to "Shuk Arbaat Haminim" 'the market of four kinds' to buy the exquisite Lulav and Etrog to bless on during the holiday.