Category:CemeteriesViewed: 2012Downloads: 0KeywordsburialburriedcemeterydeaddeatheuropegaongravehalachahalachistlithuaniakabbalahkabbalisttalmudtalmudisttombtombstonevilnavilniusDescription: Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman Kramer, known as the Vilna Gaon or Elijah of Vilna and simply by his Hebrew acronym Gra (Gaon Rabbenu Eliyahu) or Elijah Ben Solomon, (b. Vilnius April 23, 1720, d. Vilaus October 9, 1797), was a Talmudist, halachist, kabbalist, and the foremost leader of non-hasidic Jewry of the past few centuries. He is commonly referred to in Hebrew as haGaon haChasid miVilna, (the saintly genius from Vilnius).