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The New Cemetery of Lodz, Poland

  mackozer ID: 9295
Small800 x 534 pixels3 Credits
Medium1600 x 1068 pixels6 Credits
Large3834 x 2559 pixels15 Credits

File Details:

Published: 08/01/2010
Category: Cemeteries Viewed: 1861 Downloads: 0 Keywords architecture burial bury cemetery crypt faith field god grave gravestone graveyard grief headstone hebrew historic history holy inscription jew jewish judaism Lodz memorial memory monument mourn old Ozarow poland polish sad sadness shrine stone symbol tombstone trees vintage yiddish Description: The New Cemetery of Lodz is the largest Jewish cemetery in Europe. It was created in 1892 when residents of the nearby neighborhood refused to allow the expansion of the old cemetery, containing over 3,000 graves. Izrael Poznanski donated the first 10.5 hectares of land towards the establishment of a new cemetery.
There are about 43,000 people buried in the part of the cemetery called Ghetto Field, who died of starvation, illnesses and extenuation during the holocaust.