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Replica of the Jerusalem Temple Menorah

  jackytel ID: 10785
Small800 x 533 pixels3 Credits
Medium1600 x 1067 pixels6 Credits
Large4752 x 3168 pixels15 Credits

File Details:

Published: 02/06/2012
Category: Jerusalem Viewed: 3145 Downloads: 0 Keywords Art Artwork Candelabra Candelabrum Gold Golden Icon Object Symbol Israel Jerusalem Menorah Jewish Judaism Historical History Monument Sculpture Cultural Culture Judaica Temple Synagogue Description: The Temple Institute, based in Jerusalem, has created this massive solid gold menorah, which is displayed inside a transparent case in the Jewish Quarter, overlooking the stairs that lead down to the Western Wall plaza and the Temple Mount.The menorah was crafted following years of painstaking research by Temple Institute scholars, who combed copious amounts of archaeological evidence and textual sources.