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Rabbi Menachem Froman and Ibrahim Abu el-Hawa

  damonlynch ID: 8071
Small800 x 533 pixels3 Credits
Medium1600 x 1067 pixels6 Credits
Large3061 x 2041 pixels15 Credits

File Details:

Published: 06/07/2010
Category: Adults Viewed: 1992 Downloads: 0 Keywords Fruman Ibrahim Abu el-Hawa islam Israeli Jerusalem Peacemakers judaism Menahem Palestinian peace peace making Rabbi Menachem Froman religion spirituality wedding Description: Rabbi Menachem Froman (also spelled Fruman) is a remarkable religious peacemaker who defies all convential descriptions and stereotypes. He lives on a settlement in the West Bank, yet Yasser Arafat called him his "brother" and he has had extensive relations with religious Muslims, including those from Hamas. Ibrahim Abu el-Hawa is also a religious peacemaker. He is a Muslim living in East Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives. He embodies the principle of "love thy neighbour". The two men have been friends for many years, and at this time Ibrahim was a guest at the wedding of one of Rabbi Froman's daughthers. Some digital noise is present on this image due to high ISO. For best quality, download the Large Size and use at smaller sizes.