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Rabbi Menachem Froman

  damonlynch ID: 8064
Image for Editorial use. Cannot be used for any commercial purposes
Small800 x 533 pixels3 Credits
Medium1600 x 1067 pixels6 Credits
Large3504 x 2336 pixels15 Credits

File Details:

Published: 06/07/2010
Category: Public Figures and Celebrities Viewed: 1891 Downloads: 0 Keywords conflict Fruman islam Israeli Israeli Palestinian conflict Jerusalem Peacemakers judaism Menahem peace peace maker rabbi Rabbi Menachem Froman religion spiritual spirituality Description: Rabbi Menachem Froman (also spelled Fruman) is a remarkable religious peacemaker who defies all convential descriptions and stereotypes. He lives on a settlement in the West Bank, yet Yasser Arafat called him his "brother" and he has had extensive relations with religious Muslims, including those from Hamas.