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Female Jews entering the Old City on Yom Kippur day.

  esimanor ID: 8789
Image for Editorial use. Cannot be used for any commercial purposes
Small535 x 800 pixels3 Credits
Medium1070 x 1600 pixels6 Credits
Large2006 x 3000 pixels15 Credits

File Details:

Published: 07/01/2010
Category: Adults Viewed: 1768 Downloads: 0 Keywords alone arch capital city walls daily life holy land israel jerusalem judaism landmark middle east old city religion stones street scene vertical wall white yom kippur Description: Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for religious Jews. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogues or at Western Wall