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crowd of jews performing the hoshaana procession

  esimanor ID: 8796
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Small800 x 536 pixels3 Credits
Medium1600 x 1071 pixels6 Credits
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File Details:

Published: 07/02/2010
Category: Sukkot Viewed: 1907 Downloads: 0 Keywords blessing capital feast of tabernacle festival four species herod holy land hoshaana judaism landmark lulav middle east old city prayer prayer shawl procession religion sukkot sukot talit temple thalit thora scroll together torah torah scroll tourism travel wailing wall wall waving western wall Description: The mitzvah of waving the Four Species during the Sukot festival derives from the Torah. In addition the worshippers join in a processional around the sanctuary with their Four Species, while reciting special supplications called hoshaanot. From the first through the sixth day of Sukkot, one complete circuit is made; on Hoshanah Rabbah, the seventh and last day of Sukkot, seven complete circuits are made